Could artificial intelligence take over sooner than we think?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to assist with coaching and development in a number of ways. For example, AI could be used to provide personalised feedback and guidance to individuals based on their performance and goals. It could also be used to help individuals track their progress and identify areas for improvement.

However, it is important to note that AI is not able to fully replicate the role of a human coach or development professional. While AI can provide valuable insights and support, it is not able to fully understand and address the complex emotional and social needs of individuals in the same way that a human coach can. In addition, AI cannot provide the same level of personal connection and human interaction that is often a key aspect of coaching and development.

AI could also be used to help people communicate more effectively by providing suggestions for more appropriate or empathetic responses in different situations. For instance, if someone is feeling upset, AI could suggest language that is more comforting or supportive, rather than confrontational or dismissive.

Overall, the use of AI in improving emotional intelligence in communication has the potential to help people better connect with one another and improve their relationships.

What you’ve just read was actually written by a generative AI programme, Chat GPT, and not by a human. Isn’t that incredible? Try asking Chat GPT an open question (something more complicated than you’d ask Google or Alexa) and see what articulate, concise and well-structured answer it comes up with. It is addictive!

Although it is reassuring to hear a machine say that the personal connection and human interaction that we can provide cannot be replicated (yet), you can’t help but wonder whether it is having us on. Altogether a bit sinister wouldn’t you agree!? What are the wider-reaching impacts of the use of Chat-GPT? Time will tell.

Here at Interaction we improve people performance by developing emotional intelligence, changing mindsets and enhancing behaviours. We do this by working in strong partnership with our clients to deliver exceptional training for employees across all organisational levels.

To find out more about our services (provided by humans), please see our website or e-mail us at


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